Much like the characters they play, co-creators Sam and Ped carry an ENORMOUS amount of STUDENT LOAN DEBT.

But they’re not alone. In fact, approximately 42 million Americans have a combined total of $1.6 TRILLION of student loan debt.

Let’s take a a moment to compare millions, billions, and TRILLIONS:

1 million seconds = about 11.5 DAYS

1 billion seconds = about 32 YEARS

1 trillion seconds = about 32,000 YEARS

So if you spent a dollar every SECOND from about now going back 1.6 trillion seconds, you’d be walking with SABER-TOOTH TIGERS!

What’s there to do about this crisis? First, watch Dickie and Bea and laugh. Misery loves company. Second, reach out to your elected officials. There are a lot of good people working on this crisis. Share your stories and make your voices heard. Misery may love company, but there is strength in numbers. Let’s make them hear us and get some solutions on the table.

And lastly, be optimistic. Because anything else would be soul-crushing.